Friday, April 08, 2011


I don't really know how most of you feel about partisan issues on the Hill, and in our government. I mean, it stands to reason that if you believe in something, and you live in this country, you can likely find someone who believes the exact opposite.

If I were a Tea Partier, I'm thinking I would be Mrs Nesbit.

I just happen to think that this whole thing is getting to be a little too ridiculous.

In days past, I'd be down at the Dubliner with $100 bill laying on the bar challenging my fellow patrons to pitch in and buy a round for the whole bunch if they get a budget passed by midnight. Apparently the Dubliner doesn't participate but you might be able to do it online. Just go here and find your Congressperson, and send them a beer.

As a matter of fact, maybe we should start a "Beer Party" and tell these idiots on the hill that all we want is some good old fashioned common sense. I mean, are we as Americans really THAT shallow? Are all republicans cold-hearted rich people who want poor women to go without health care? Are all Democrats the recipients of some government program and only vote with their pockets? I think that most of us understand the government can't afford to keep spending at the current rate, and that some programs need to be cut. Come on, douchebags- pass a budget.
Congressional Budget Office

1 comment:

WoodsFTL said...

You are so right - they are already way past deadline on this budget project - it galls me that they will still get a paycheck and yet are not doing their jobs, running over deadline and still not nearly finished... yet the people who do have to meet their deadlines will be without a paycheck.
Let housewives and regular working guys craft the budget - people who really know the meaning of the word.