Sunday, October 12, 2008

Make a Stand

So its been over a year since I took that blacksmithing class, but I bought a cheap 55 lb anvil last week, and I though I would work on getting my back yard foundry together.

So today, rather than watch the Redskins lose- I decided I'd work on my backyard foundry. I thought about going up to HD and buying a pressure treated 8x8, but I remembered I had a bunch of lumber left over from my trash bin project.

I measured to where my arm would feel comfortable (at the bottom of my swing) and cut a bunch of scrap 25 1/2 long, and just started nailing it together. Maybe I'll wrap it with some steel straps later to add a little strength- but i has a little heft to it, and seems to be doing a good job.

It stands pretty firm, but I think I might get some sand to put under it anyway. Now I can begin working on my foundry.


melaniet42 said...

You da man.

Anne said...

Very nice! What are you going to make when you get everything together?