Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Learn Something online

Several schools and institutions are putting their classes and lectures online for free, and you can podcast, stream, and download the course informmation. Although I haven't spent as much time as I would like podcasting, I have taken a few opportunities to learn something new. You don't get credit for the classes, but its free and its knowledge- and I happen to think that the knowledge is the most important part anyway.
UC Berkeley Biology, Chemistry, Business courses and many others are available on the site to download, and if you feel so inclined- donate money.
MIT Opencourseware MIT has an extensive amount of their courses online, and is one of the institutions that has been doing it the longest. I'm a little partial to their Mechanical Engineering section, myself.
Stanford University is on itunes, I downloaded a business management class and listened to in on the way back and forth to work.
Carnegie Mellon has some free online coursework, I haven't used it yet but I've been wanting to check it out.
TED gets an honorable mention here, because although it isn't a college, it is a great place to listen to some of our brightest minds talk about things that are relevant and important today.

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