Saturday, February 26, 2005


I don't want to sound like an alarmist, but did you know that we're using nukes on the battlefield?
Apparently, since 1991, the US military has been using tactical nuclear bombs on the battlefield. Uranium 238, or depleted uranium is a byproduct of nuclear power plants, and DU or depleted uranium is actually a very hard metal used as ballasts in boats and planes- the problem is that once it reaches 0ver 600 degrees, DU becomes incendiary, or it burns.
it is the principle element that makes bunker busters effective for two reasons, its hardness and weight makes for an effective shell casing, and when it burns it produces a uranium oxide smoke that becomes airborne, back in the day when we were afraid the Russians were gonna kill us we called it fallout.
We used DU bomb shells in Kosovo, Serbia, Afghanistan, and in gulf war 1 and 2. Remember the whole Puerto Rico thing where those evil Puerto Ricans were protesting our base there? They were protesting because we were testing DU bombs there.
How about gulf war syndrome? There is evidence to strongly suggest that the mysterious illness that many of our troops exhibited after returning from the gulf war can be attributed to exposure to radiation. NATO troops from Italy and other nations have died of Leukemia, and have contracted other cancers after exposure to radiated bomb sites.
The DoD has issued statements that DU is no more dangerous than lead based paint, but have you seen what the lead abatement guys have to wear when they remove LBP?

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