Friday, May 26, 2006

Blogging on the go

Blogger has set it up so that I can email blogs to my blog. So now I can bloggity blog blog all bloggin day long! Isn't that bloggin' cool!

Ok, Two movies that I haven't seen but still wanna blog about.

1. The Davinci Code
2. The x-men

Three things I gotta say about the Davinci code are; first If there is anything the Catholic church should know better than anyone by now- the best way to raise interest and awareness about something is to officially ban it. Every book the church blacklisted during the reformation became bestsellers in their day Does anyone remember The Last Temptation of Christ? That sleeper sold 10 times the number of tickets is should have because the Catholic Church banned the stupid thing. The best way to battle the Davinci Code, just friggin ignore it. Trust me, it will go away. Second, It doesn't matter whether Jesus got married or not. The truth is that he had a key mission, he fulfilled it, end of story. I mean none of us protestants with any common sense believe that Mary stayed a virgin her whole life... Third and finally- They toned down the fact that the assasin was an albino because they didn't want to offend the albino community. Apparently you're allowed to say that Jesus isn't the Son of God, and claim the Catholic Church is a big fat liar, thats been covering up a 2,000 year old Lie about their God and Savior- but you can't portay albinos in a negative way?..Hollywood blows my mind...

Now on to the important thing- The X-men. So Halley Berry wasn't gonna be in it unitl she heard that the director was gonna change and that there would be more character development for the Storm Character. Woohoo, cuz thats what we wanna see is the chick that makes it windy and can hurl the occasional lightening bolt. Screw that!!! We wanna see claws and laser eyes, and car crushing...and more of half-nekkid Rebecca Romijn in blue paint...We don't care about Storm's character development! Besides there already was a good Halley Berry/ Hugh Jackman moment. It was in Sordfish, and Halley Berry was topless!

I am an old-school x-men fan... Would it have been to much to ask for a cameo of Bishop? How about just one friggin Sentinal for cryin' out loud...but a mutant war- still gotta go see it.

Monday, May 15, 2006

Hip Hop Week

Allright everyone, its national hip-hop awareness week. Colleges and Universities all over the US have events, concerts, and rallies scheduled . Head out to your local scene and support hip hop.
My myspace page this week is a tribute to old-school hip hop from back in the day!